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This piece is a collage of several of my hobbies and interests, intended to reflect my personality. The background is a picture of the night sky, with all of the items making up the collage taking the form of constellations. This theme is to represent my interest in astronomy and wonder of the unknown. Some of the images I chose to represent my personality as constellations include a piano, to show my love of classical music and piano playing in general; the Pixar ball to show my enjoyment of film, filmmaking and directing; in the top left, a symbol of the Ancient Assyrian god, Assur, to show that I like studying history and culture; in the middle is my name fingerspelled in ASL, showing my interest in sign language, deaf culture, and other languages in general; as well as a triforce and a leaf from Zelda and Animal Crossing respectively, showing video games as a hobby of miner; finally, there is a rubik’s cube to show my love of puzzles and mind games.

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