Michael Demers

Michael Demers is an artist from Florida. He went to university for printmaking. He now specializes in new media arts and creates art in a wide variety of mediums such as digital painting, and even browser window art.

Some of his interesting pieces include:



This image of Vannevar Bush is generated using binary digits in a web browser. This method of creating a portrait is very interesting and different from most other methods. It uses the medium of the internet and browsers in a way that makes a lot of sense and works very well. It also uses colour very well by making all the digits different shades of grey or white to make a portrait.




This is an abstract drawing of a wormhole. The image uses several different techniques to create the illusion of depth. Firstly, the middle of the drawing is shaded heavily with black and becomes lighter and lighter the further from the centre it is. In addition, it has a series of black dots on all four corners that move out from the centre. Because of this the piece has a lot of depth.