Personal Logo


Personal Logo

This is a logo I designed to represent me. The logo contains my initials (D.C.) hidden at the bottom of the logo, as well as three lines around the initials. The lines are supposed to represent fingers, and the initials are supposed to represent the palm of a hand. All together, the logo is supposed to resemble this handshape.  The logo could also be interpreted as a smiling face, or a happy person waving.

I also made several other versions of this image. Such as…


…a logo type.

In addition, I made an all black and all white version of the logo.


This logo was designed with the four characteristics of a good logo in mind. It was obviously designed with a unique look in mind. It was designed in a very simple manor, so that the logo is adaptable, and easily recognizable regardless of size, colour, etc. The logo uses a hand shape to make it timeless and easily recognizable to anyone. Lastly, the logo is appropriately designed.