Photography – Nostalgia

The following photos are photos I took with the theme of nostalgia in mind. These photos were partially inspired by the work of Jovelino MatosAlmeida and Patrick Di Fruscia, two photographers who are known for nature and outdoors photography, which was something I drew from when taking my photos.



This is a photo is of a fort made of sticks nearby where I live. This fort is nostalgic because is one of many forts that were built in the past by the kids in my neighbourhood and myself when we were children. I chose to take a photo of this fort because it is a very memorable structure to me and many others in my neighbourhood. It is also fascinating because despite being just a pile of sticks, it has become a land mark of the neighbourhood. The  low angle is intended to create the perspective of a child looking at his fort, and the image is dark and has low saturation which represents the fading of a memory. The photograph was taken from this angle so that it was simultaneously being viewed from a low perspective and the for is placed along the grid of thirds.



This photo is of a slide at a playground near my house. This particular slide is special one compared to everything else at this playground because is the slide down from the tallest part of the playground. Because of this, this slide was far more intimidating (as a child, of course) than anything else at this playground, so memories of going down it the first few times are nostalgic for many people in my neighbourhood, including myself. The photograph was taken at the bottom of the slide looking up as a way of creating the feel of a journey, finally finishing something and looking back on what you’ve done. The curve of the slide was positioned along the grid of thirds, and the low angle makes the slide look bigger and more intimidating, as a child would view it.



This is a photo of a rock at a local park. It is massive, being almost as tall as my current self and a colossal boulder during my childhood. This rock was used for climbing by many and was not easy to summit, but when you did you got to see the view from the top, which was a great feeling when it was twice my height. The rock is positioned on the grid of thirds and wast taken from an angle that is simultaneously the most recognizable side of the rock and has the least background clutter. The photo was taken from a distance to give the feel of approaching the rock and watching it slowly get larger and larger and fill your field of view. It was also take from a higher point of view to create a feeling of nostalgia, as if you were returning to it for the first time in years and were remembering when it was incomprehensibly large.


#2 (Alt)

This is a version of photo #2 which was edited in photoshop to look like it is a painting. The painting look gives the feel that this is a painting done by someone who grew up at this playground and, perhaps, is painting based off of a sketch they found from when they were children. The look also makes the photo look more simplified which emphasizes the principle of media arts, hybridization.

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